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Leading provider in the field of Marketing Resource Management (MRM)

Constantly growing channels, increasingly differentiated target groups and stagnating budgets are putting marketing departments under pressure not only in terms of content and its delivery, but above all in the planning, control and efficiency of marketing measures. Marketing Resource Management systems (MRM) offer the tools to master these challenges.

With Marmind, we can now offer a world-leading MRM solution on the Swiss market. The current Forrester Wave certifies that the system has top scores in the areas of “Innovation Roadmap” and “Usability”. It also places a special focus on budget management and performance management in marketing. Marmind harmonizes plans, budgets and results in an innovative marketing cockpit.

«We are delighted to significantly expand our offer for marketing planning, budget management, campaign management and marketing performance analytics with Marmind,” says Jürg Weber, CEO of aclevion. “Marmind is an innovative and market-leading solution that particularly excels in the areas of budget and results, which are often not very well developed in traditional content systems. Marmind therefore offers the ideal planning center for large companies and corporations.»

Marmind is the ideal addition to our MRM portfolio and is of interest to all companies that want to expand their content systems with integrated processes for planning, controlling and optimizing their marketing. End-to-end processes and seamless workflows are always a given: As a best-of-breed system, Marmind guarantees integration into a company’s entire tech stack with various APIs and an IPaaS solution to create genuine end-to-end marketing processes.

We would be happy to explain to you in a personal meeting what this could mean for your marketing planning. We look forward to hearing from you.

The experts at our partner Marmind will of course also be happy to assist you. You can find contact details at

We turn customers into pilots of their marketing cockpits and enable realtime control – that's what we love!

Paul PolakCSO Marmind