The move to continuous deployment was accompanied by a number of requirements that could be reduced to one question: How can all users be reached and ensured that they are informed about and can use all new functionalities at all times? Not an easy task with more than 150 users in 20 countries with completely different know-how, but one that the newly implemented Business Support solved in a short time.
aclevion’s business support team is familiar with censhare and the implemented solution, is directly linked to development and always knows exactly what has been changed in the solution. From documentation, creation of manuals, presentation of new functionalities to business testing and training, it now accompanies every release and forms the interface between development and users. In this way, the enablement of users through to operation is covered efficiently and without additional effort.
With the newly established Help Center, all users now have a place where they can find information and manuals on their censhare tasks. During the introduction, new functionalities and use cases are presented internally in various webcasts. As a result of the business support activities, support requests have been significantly reduced and the need for training has also decreased rapidly. Finally, the business support devlivers valuable insights from users on where the solution is not yet working optimally and how it can be further improved in future releases.